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Hello everyone!

This blog has been dormant – aside from #100DaysofWomeninFilm posts – for a big reason: in late May 2020 I found out I was pregnant; I gave birth to a baby girl in January 2021… and I’ve been on maternity leave for most of the year. Thus my silence.

I am now being helped by a fabulous nanny and I’m slowly returning back to work on my film and photography projects. I thought I’d bring you up to date.

Filmmaker mom Elena Rossini

This post will cover 4 main areas:

Blog Projects:

100 Days of Women in Film

100 Days of Women in Film - Female Filmmakers

Shining a light on women working in the film industry has been such a joy. My interview series 100 Days of Women in Film so far has featured 28 brilliant individuals, from directors to cinematographers, sound mixers, colorists, film editors and production designers.

My goal with this project is to inspire young women who dream of working in the film industry – through the testimonies of trailblazing professionals, I hope they can get the feeling that their aspirations are within reach.

And for those of us already working in film, I am hoping that the series can provide a sense of sisterhood.

Check out 100 Days of Women in Film or jump straight to the latest interview, with production sound mixer Camila Franco Ribeiro Gomide.

Film Projects

The Power of Visibility

This summer I had a fabulous intern – Mimi Anagli – and thanks to her I was motivated to finally work on a short film about Google search results and the lack of visibility of professional women in film. It’s something that had been on my mind for YEARS. We’re currently in post-production, having the voice-over narration recorded right as we speak. Stay tuned for its release.

The Power of Visibility - Rossini Anagli

Film Projects

The Realists

Before the pandemic brought our lives to a halt, I had been working on a documentary – The Realists – about the dark side of online advertising, microtargeting, and surveillance capitalism.

Covid-19 lockdowns completely changed our lives and revolutionizes our relationship to technology. For many of us, screens provided a lifeline, a connection to the outside world when we couldn’t leave our homes. So I put the project on pause.

I’m picking it up again and I’ve been blogging for it, sharing my most interesting findings. You can read my latest blog post:


agnès films & The New Parisienne

Many of you know I often refer to late filmmaker Agnès Varda as my ultimate role model. So it was my honor to be featured in agnès films’ website in this interview – conducted by Mimi Anagli:

One of the absolute highlights of 2020 for me was to be featured in Lindsey Tramuta’s book The New Parisienne – along with many inspiring women who call Paris their home. The book was recently translated into French and German. You can find out more about it on its official website. Lindsey also asked me to create the book trailer for The New Parisienne. You can watch it here:

Other highlights

I had the honor of speaking – remotely – at the conference Women Making Waves (thank you Lynn Matheson!), at the United Nations’s CSW annual conference after a virtual screening of The Illusionists (thank you Heather Kalachman!) and for a class of Stanford University students in Florence (thank you professor Campani!) If you’re interested in having me speak for your class, company or non-profit, write to me at hello [at]

I hope this finds you well and if you’ve gotten this far, thank you for supporting my work.

all my very best,


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