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By May 13, 2013July 29th, 2024Cinephilia, Great Directors2 min read

I’m psyched at the prospect of attending this year’s Cannes Film Festival: I will be there to film extra B-roll for The Illusionists and to do a bit of networking.

And now, for a trip down memory lane, here is a reportage from the 1955 Cannes Film Festival, showing a young Giulietta Masina and Federico Fellini, who are there to present La Strada.

The interview is entirely in French (I was surprised to learn that Giulietta Masina is quite fluent, despite her protestations). Here are some highlights:

– According to the reporter, both Masina and Fellini walked up and down the Croisette without being recognized.

– The reporter said he was so touched by La Strada that the film haunted him “for days” (8 to be precise!)

– Comment by the reporter that made me laugh out loud: “It seems that Fellini put EVERYTHING in this film. It will be hard for him to do another one” (Ha! In hindsight, this is an amusing comment because in the following 8 years Fellini will produce his best work – a masterpiece after another).

– Masina: “I had a hard time separating from the character of Gelsomina. It’s very difficult for an actress to find a character like this one…”

– Journalist: This is a difficult film, but it was very well received in France. It’s a good sign, I’m very pleased about it. It’s a sign that a difficult, non-conformist film can do good business… This can be watched by everyone.

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