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rent my documentary The Illusionists, or grab one of my t-shirts and sweatshirts that celebrate diversity & inclusion

FILM: The Illusionists

T-SHIRT: This Is What A Film Director Looks Like

T-SHIRT: Celebrating Womxn Directors


a critically-acclaimed, award-winning documentary
about the globalization of beauty

“The film captures brilliantly how the beauty industrial complex has hijacked not only women and girls’ lives, but men and boys’ lives as well, in order to sell sex and exploit female bodies for profit.”

– Cathy Hillman, President of the Greater Los Angeles Chapter of the U.S. National Committee for UN Women

Keep Exploring This Site:

About Elena Rossini

Read Elena Rossini's About page, which includes her biography and a description of her most notable projects.

The Illusionists

The Illusionists is Elena Rossini's most notable project – a documentary about the dark side of advertising and the marketing of unattainable beauty ideals around the world.

100 Days of Women in Film

A blog series by Elena Rossini that celebrates the careers of unsung heroines from the world of film and television.

Filmmaker Blog

Read Elena Rossini's filmmaking blog.

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